
I saw a couple of items in today's newspaper that had me scratching my head in wonderment.
First was an ad from Checker Auto Parts advertising an home theatre system with remote for $79.99. I'm thinking that a auto parts store would be the last, if ever, place I would expect to find this item. Best Buy, Fry's Electronics, or even Wal-Mart, but Checker Auto. How odd!!
Second item was about the silliest idea I've seen yet. Here is the article as it appeared in the paper.
Seeing the light about DUI risks Blinking red and blue lights in your beverage are better than in your rear-view mirror. That's the message from the Arizona DUI Task force and the Governor's Office of Highway Safety. The agencies sent 40,000 blinking ice cubes to restaurants and bars across the state to remind patrons to not drink and drive this holiday season.
Ok....40,000 blinking ice cubes for the whole state. The chance of getting one of those cubes would be about the same as hitting the lottery. There are probably 40,000, well, maybe not that many, but close to it, restaurants and bars in the Phoenix area alone. I figure that in the Phoenix area maybe 10,000 to 20,000 may be sent to establishments, odds are slime of getting one. Who's going to pay attention to a blinking red and blue ice cube anyway? All ice cubes blink if you've had enough to drink!! Tax payers dollars at work I'm sure on this lame idea.
Ok....40,000 blinking ice cubes for the whole state. The chance of getting one of those cubes would be about the same as hitting the lottery. There are probably 40,000, well, maybe not that many, but close to it, restaurants and bars in the Phoenix area alone. I figure that in the Phoenix area maybe 10,000 to 20,000 may be sent to establishments, odds are slime of getting one. Who's going to pay attention to a blinking red and blue ice cube anyway? All ice cubes blink if you've had enough to drink!! Tax payers dollars at work I'm sure on this lame idea.
In the last drivers class I took, the stats were 1 out of 5 drivers coming at you are impaired. That could be alcohol or drugs. Blinking lights are not going to help.
Nice try with my tax dollars Gov.
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