Friday, February 17, 2006

The Guys Enjoy The Chick Fight on Survivor

Bruce immediately takes over Casaya upon returning to camp from tribal council. Which I knew he would. He tells them that by using three layers of T-shirts they could filter out 90% of bacteria from the water and not have to waste time boiling it. Most agree and drink the *filtered* water. Any wagers on who will get sick first?

La Mina resorts to eating snails. The fishing gear, minus the spear thanks to Sally, hasn't helped any. When they do catch a fish it's a non-edible puffer. Finally, Terry catches a teeny weeny fish that is shared by eight people.

Award challenge day finds Casaya and La Mina fighting for a tarp, fuel, lantern, a couple of pillows and blankets and jerry cans. Terry wins it for La Mina and *Memento Man* aka Shane looses for Casaya. La Mina gets to choose from Casaya who goes to Exile Island, they pick....oh no...... not Bruce AGAIN!! Poor Bruce, he has spent more time on the island than with any tribe.

Back at Casaya, guess who is still ranting and raving? Yep, *Memento Man* this time about his *thinkin' seat.* *This is my seat and no one sits on it but me. Go get your own f--king seat.*

Casaya wins immunity challenge, which included Bruce. The first round was a *chick fight* that it seemed the guys enjoyed very much.

La Mina goes to tribal council and Misty gets a torch and then looses the torch as she is the third castaway voted off the island. All that massaging, flirttering, *poor little girl* act didn't work for Misty this time.

Sally is wearing the blue leggings. One of my questions answered. Will *Memento Man* finally, finally go balistic? It's only matter of time. He does make Casaya interesting though.


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