Orgasmically Good!

That's how Misty and the younger gals described the first food of papaya they had in Panama. I guess anyone could describe food that way after not having anything to eat or drink for three days.
After all 4 tribes spent a wet, wet night, conditions were bad. Shane, who will from now on be called by me *Memento Man* (for those who have seen the movie, Memento, will know what I'm talking about) ranting on about sand fleas, no smokes, no water, no food, etc. What did he expect, Club Med?
Twist tribes picked by *school yard* pick. Bruce *odd man out* is banished to Exile Island for a couple of days. The two new tribes, La Mina and Casaya do award challenge. La Mina wins with Nick (yahoo, the home town boy) carrying all the snakes to the end. Award is a raft and paddles and fishing gear.
(Memento Man still raving on and on and on and......)
A couple from La Mina goes out on the raft to spear some fish with their new fishing spear and TWANG, the spear goes flying in the air and lands in too deep of water to retrieve. Back at camp......*Guess what guys, I lost the spear.* *GGGRRRRR!!!*
La Mina wins immunity. They get to take the three coconut heads back to camp and Casaya gets to take *Memento Man*. He want his tribe to vote him off. Instead Melinda ends up getting her torch put out and Bruce takes her place.
Will *Memento Man* go completely off the deep end? Did Bruce find the immunity idol on the island? Will I be able to figure out who is wearing the blue leggings? These and other questions will be answered in the coming weeks.
Meanwhile, will someone please give *Memento Man* a Nicorette?
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