Cartoon Rage Rages On

First of all, I just want to say that I didn't intend for this blog page to be a forum for religious or political debate. I do have strong opinions about both and not afraid to voice them. I set up this page for entertainment and light information purposes. After seeing several days of rage over some cartoons, I have to say something.
Knowing what the big to do is all about cartoons, I had of yet to find out exactly what the cartoon were. I've found out. Here it is in a nut shell:
- Prophet Mohammad wears a bomb instead of a turban
- the prophet is standing at the gate of heaven with his arms raised and talking to what appears to be suicide bombers saying *Stop, stop, we have run out of virgins.* (Apparently, a suicide bomber would receive 30 virgins in heaven for his *sacrifice.*)
- there are devil horns coming out of the turban
- 2 women totally veiled, with only their eyes showing, the prophet standing between them with a piece of black cloth over his eyes, so he can't see them
There are the four cartoons in question. I can see how they might get upset over these. It is their highly regarded prophet. It seems that according to Islam, the face of the prophet is always hidden or distorted.
At first, I read that they weren't upset over his face been shown, but that he wore a bomb instead of a turban. Now, it's everything about the cartoons.
OK......if you use your religion as a foundation for killing, you're going to have to except some time or another someone will show some negative cartoons of your prophet. That's just life. Muslims can't deny that some people are using the Islamic religion as a foundation for killing. I'm sure that in some newspaper or Islamic magazine the picture of God has appeared in a negative way according to how Jews and Christians would see it. You don't see us going out and raging on to the rest of the world, when we see something offensive to us about God. We voice our displeasure, maybe make a little *hoo-ha,* accept the apologies and move on.
Muslims are only showing how the rest of the world sees them as *uncivilized* with all this rage, killings, burning of building, etc. that has gone on now for days. Seems like it's just an excuse for the Muslim world to show us their bad side. So, there were cartoons. They've been pulled out of circulation. Denmark and Europe has apologized. The rest of the world has denounced the cartoons as *incorrect.* Get over it now and get back with doing what you do. Show the rest of the world that you are civilized people.
Now, the Muslims want to use cartoons about the holocost as retribution. Why? The cartoons did not come from Israel. Was the cartoonist Jewish? I don't know. When will it all end?
I've said my piece. My rant is over. For now, at least.
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