What Do Birthdays, Limes, Nuts, Rabbits and Fake Babies Have In Common?

Nothing really, but it all has happened on the same day......TODAY!
Today's my birthday and I thought I would sleep in a little this morning. Well, at 6:30 there was a tap, tap, tapping at the front door. It was my neighbor two doors down telling me that a rabbit was under my husband's work trailer. OK! About an hour later, I went out to check it out. Yup! A white bunny with black ears and a black spot on it's nose. It hopped into the neighbor's back yard, where I since have found out that it has been eating up her garden for the past four or so days. That explains the barking of Shasta, *the wonder dog* at the fence at night.
I took my nephew's clothes up to the cleaners this AM at 8:30, so we could get in on the *in before 9, out by 4* deal. I walked in the door to be waited on by a high school girl who was caring for a fake *real* baby that was crying it's head off. She wasn't being to successful at the *mommy* thing. The other workers in there were taking turns carrying the *baby* trying to get it to shut up. No one was checking it's diaper or thinking about feeding it. Looks like it was going to be a LONG day for that place.
It seems that in Florida, Tallahassee in fact, the Legislature is fighting over what should be the official state pie. HUH? A state pie? Key lime or pee-can. South Florida people say that key lime represents the entire state, while pee-cans just represents North Florida. Hmmm...the north vs the south, hopefull not another civil war abrewin'. I didn't know states had state pies. Georgia does and it's the pecan pie. I suppose if Arizona had an official state pie it could be the prickly pear pie. What's next, state drink?
So, there you have it. February 25!! Oh, no that's not my picture. I like bizzare things and this was it for today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!!!! And my twin sister too, she never reads my blog. She's missing out on a lot!!
I thought that was one picture of you I didn't get my hands on.
Happy Birthday to the twins
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