Want To Send Your DNA Into Outer Space?

YOU CAN!!!!! For $34.95 you can purchase a kit from Beyond Earth Enterprises http://www.beyond-earth.com. This kit allows you to send hair and fingernail clippings (sorry, no fluids!) to orbit the *big blue ball.* They have photo kits too. This Colorado based company will also transport science experiments (no animals allowed) into space for $2,500. They plan on a launch date in October, so there is still plenty of time to get aboard.
My question is why would you want to send your DNA into space anyway? Isn't there already enough *space junk* floating around up there? You certainly wouldn't be able to go up and retrive back your DNA if it was needed for something and you weren't available to give it yourself. It does make it easier for the *beings from other worlds.* This way they wouldn't have to search out lonely farmers and lumbrjacks to kidnap and *probe.*
There are other companies getting in on the space service industry. Space Services Inc. from Houston will send your ashes into space for $995 (small) to $5,300 (large). Next month sometime, the actually launch date is kept secret, Scotty from Star Trek (James Doohan) and astronuant Gorden Cooper, along with 185 others will be blasted into space for their experience in space. The module container will stay in space for several years before returning into the atmosphere.
The space tourist industry is heating up too. According to Virgin Galactic's owner Richard Branson, his company has 100 people already paid to the tune of $200,000 each, waiting for their suborbital space adventure. That's cheaper than what Gregory Olsen paid the Russins to taxi him up to the space station. He forked out $20 million. The space tourist package range from $25,000 to $250,000. Virgin Galactic hopes to have it's flights begin in 2008.
It's a bird.....it's a plane........nope, it's just Scotty coming back to earth.
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