Casaya Wins Again

In a twist, the reward and immunity challenges are rolled into one. The winner takes all.
The challenge is a puzzle solver. Sounds easy right? The tribes pick three people each to run the chris-cross course one at a time for each tribe, to get four big, heavy puzzle pieces and two different players from each tribe are chosen to solve the puzzle. La Mina gets a huge lead by gathering all the pieces way ahead of Casaya. Dan and Sally were chosen to solve the puzzle, but were unable to even get one piece of the puzzle done before Bruce and Cirie had finished their puzzle. Casaya wins immunity and a Bar-B-Q. They then chose Sally to go to Exile Island for La Mina. A very smart move on their part as the *exiler* has immunity also.
On Exile Island, Sally is glad to be there for several reasons. She knew she was going to get the ax next and she's glad to be away from the *all mighty men* for some girl/alone time. She also looks for the immunity idol.
Casaya goes to a Panama village for food, drinks and company outside of the tribe. Music, dancing, kids playing, oh.....did I mention food? The affair looks like a neighborhood block party. *Memento Man* spies something else......a guy with smokes. *I'd give him all my clothes and go naked all day for just one puff.* The gods are with us, cause we are spared seeing Shane naked. He smokes that cigarette like he was making love. His eyes get so glazed.
La Mina goes back to camp to decide who gets to be the *sacrificial lamb,* for the good of the *kingdom.* After some discussion, *King* Terry tells Dan that it's him. Dan takes on the responsibility for not being able to put the puzzle together.
At tribal council it's all very democratic and nice with *King* Terry telling Jeff that he made the decision for the man with *all the right stuff* Dan to go with regret.
It's going to be interesting to see how *King* Terry, Aras and *Memento Man* all get along. Can't hardly wait for the merge, which should be coming up very soon.
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