Dysfunctional Functional Tribe

*Memento Man* aka Shane is right about that. That was his description of his tribe, Casaya, at tribal council where he casts a vote for Aras to not go back on his word *I swear on my son* to Bobby not to vote for him. Bobby did get voted out, after the girls decided he would be better than Bruce, to get rid of. Both Bruce and Bobby were on the *chopping block* after they spent the night together in the outhouse drinking up the wine the tribe had won at reward challenge. This didn't sit well with the girls, especially Courtney.
Back to the beginning.......Bruce spends his time making a Zen rock garden instead of helping with the fire. Aras bickers with Bruce about it. *I don't get no respect* replies Bruce. Courtney doesn't help when later she *violates* the Zen garden by doing Yoga in it. *With the whole beach, she has to do that here,* Bruce states with clinched teeth. He votes for Courtney at tribal council. (Dysfunction abounds).
At reward challenge, Casaya wins the rice, beans, fish, spices and cooking oil. La Mina loses and gets to take home beans that Terry seems to choose all by himself. Casaya banishes Terry to Exile Island for the second time. Since he found the creepy shrunken head immunity idol last time he spends this time resting, hydrating and eating snails. He voices his concern for *his* tribe's lack of food and the toll it is taking.
La Mina goes all out for the beans and cooks them all and gorges. Not a good idea. Austin and Nick find themselves sick with GI problems all night. Taking turns *using the tree.*
La Mina *limp* into the immunity challenge the next day. Terry saves their butt and they win the challenge.
At tribal council, Bruce doesn't have to reveal that he didn't find the creepy idol when votes go to Bobby.
Can't wait until next week to see if *Memento Man* finally pushes his part of the dysfunction to the limits or will Bruce's Zen garden get messed up and his dysfunction button gets pushed?
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