Thursday, March 16, 2006

Dutch Immigrant Test Gets Naked

Wacky ideas seem to be spreading the globe like the bird flu. NYC with it's condoms, Mexico with it's sex doll TV ads and now the Netherlands with it's nudey immigration test. The idea is to slow down the influx of immigrates with a test that involves viewing gay men kissing in the park and topless women emerging from the sea into a beach full of sun bathers. *If they can't stomach it, no need to apply.*

The film was made to make immigrates ready for their new life in the country. The country is known for it's *openness.* Amsterdam has probably the largest *red light* district anywhere including Las Vegas. Sex shops abound, nudity is abundant, gender bending is everywhere. This is the place to come to if you want a sex change operation that doesn't involve a lot of medical questions. Yes, these thing are in the U.S. too, but we aren't as open about it as the Dutch are. Whether that's good or bad........

Anti-immigration sentiment peaked after the killing of filmmaker, Theo van Gogh by a Dutch national of Moroccan descent in 2004.

The test seems to aimed at Muslims who would find the content of the test offensive. Taking the exam costs $420. The price includes the film, a CD-ROM. Also a picture album of famous Dutch people can be purchased for $75.

*As of today, immigrants wishing to settle in the Netherlands for, in particular, the purposes of marring or forming a relationship will be required to take the civic intergration exam abroad,* the Immigration Ministry said in a statement. But, not all is happy in the *land of wooden shoes.* While it is predicted that this test will cut down immigration by at least one third, others see it as *a black day for the people to bring their partners to Holland,* a lobbying group for mixed Dutch immigrating couples says.

A *watered down* version of the film will be available to some countries that find the images offensive. Which brings to the point of why I'm writing this. If the Dutch government made this film to prepare the immigrates for what sights they will see when they land in the country, why make a *watered down* version? Why make a not *watered down* version? It doesn't make any sense. As Forrest Gump would say, *Stupid is as stupid does.*


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