Hey everyone!!!! It's been a couple of months since I posted anything. It's not like I've been out of the country or anything exciting going on, just doing other things.
Since we've last spoken to each other, another season of Survivor has come and gone. At least, *Memento Man* didn't win!!! :-) Or *King Terry*, so I'm pretty happy about that. TomKat and Brangelina had their wee ones.
We made it past the *devil's day* 6/6/06 without any major events, other then The Omen was remade and released on that day. That day started out with a beautiful sunrise and continued to be a wonderful day. I'm not much into superstitions anyway. I did find it pretty interesting reading in the morning paper about all the expectant mothers not wishing their baby to be born on that day. Docotor's weren't doing to do any inductions or C-sections unless it was an emergency. Hmmmmm...... I don't know if any *Damians* were born or not on that Tuesday. I heard the movie was pretty much a bomb though.
Took Shasta the wonder dog for a walk early this morning, only to have a puppy follow us home. She, the puppy, is now camped out by the back gate. I was hoping she would give up and wonder off, but no luck so far. I don't need another *child* so she's going to have to do something. So.....we'll see what happens. Anybody need a very friendly, black lab. mix puppy?
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