Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Now, I've heard everything.

In Ixmiquilpan, Mexico, which is the central Mexican state of Hildalgo, you can try your luck at out witting the *border patrol.* For 150 pesos you can join 20 other people and scurry along canyons, wade through ankle deep mud, hop on the back of a moving truck, and much more *exciting* things that illegals do to cross the border illegally, while being lead along by your guide in a ski mask named *Poncho.* As the siren grews louder, *Poncho* yells, *Faster....faster. Run faster, the Border Patrol is coming!*

These are tourists about 700 miles away from the border. Most are professional people who are more likely to travel to the USA on a plane then on foot. But, for now, they are pretending to be illegals crossing the Rio Grande.

Advertising for this mock trip, which takes place at a nature park, tells the pretend immigrates to *Make fun of the Border Patrol!* and to *Cross the border as an extreme sport.* What? An extreme sport? They should ask the countless illegals who have died or nearly died if this is a sport or fun. The responds would undoubted be, *No broma, muy afliecion!!*

The organizers of this *extreme sport* say they are trying to build empathy for migrants by putting people in their shoes. The organizers speak from experience. Leaders of this community estimate that as many as 90% of the 2,500 community have made the trip to the USA, most ending up in Las Vegas.

Word of the theme park has many of the immigrant advocates in the USA scratching their heads. Also real-life immigrants who have made the trip, are questioning the reason behind it. They feel that instead of educating the participants on the real dangers and possible death, they know they are going to have fun. They feel also that there should be dialoug as to the real reason people are risking their lives to cross the border.....economical reasons, mainly.

I wonder if they would let me go through this *extreme sport* for fun and to get a little taste of what it's like to cross the border illegally. I wonder if *Poncho* holds them for ransom after the *trip* is over? *Give me 1500 more pesos!!!!* Or drive like a maniac, turning over the SUV and killing a few of the 20. How about, no water for the whole *trip.*

OK......I'm ready to plunk down my 150 pesos......I want to try my luck to out wit, out last, out play....the Border Patrol. Hey....a new reality show. :-)

Sunday, August 06, 2006


Well, sort of.

Two amateur moviemakers from the East Valley want to make a film, but they need cash. By donating one dollar you can see your name scroll across the big screen as an *associate producer.*

David Stone of Scottsdale and Ryan Anderson of Tempe are raising money to make a movie called *Edge of Perception.* *It's a psychological thriller about a guy who has a choice to make. Everyone in their lives has a crossroads they must choose. This movie explores what would happen.....if he were pushed to take the other path,* Stone, 26 says.

The script is written, but the actors aren't hired and the location of filming hasn't be chosen yet. The two filmmakers want to collect enough money, which they hope to have by Jan. 2008. They have raised almost $2,000 since last month. I don't know how much they need to raise.

To become an *associate producer* go to: