We (my husband, H, Shasta, the wonder dog and I) went out to Seven Springs, which is a little past Carefree, AZ, so I could take photos of storm clouds. I wasn't disappointed. The clouds were incredible.
Seven Springs is wilderness area that is used for hiking, camping and the like. A couple of summers ago, this area was devastated by a wildfire that consumed lots of vegatation. I was so glad to see that some was coming back. It's been some time since I had been back in there.
We stopped at Bronco Trailhead and got out. It was freezing cold, misting and windy. I set up my camera gear and took a couple of shots before the wind and cold got to me. Shasta was busy sniffing around. There were several cool trail, but they will have to wait for better weather. :-) This place had several cool corrals dedicated to two men who had died. (PHOTOS ARE COPYRIGHTED)
We got back in the truck and drove back to the Sears-Kay ruin turnoff. All the time I've been back in here and never knew these ruins existed. It was a half a mile hike up to the ruins. The ruins are 900 years old and was build and lived in by the Hohokum Indians.
Remains of several large buildings and smaller ones. About 40 buildings in all. Very interesting. Signs are posted along the way with good history and how these people lived.
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