Literally!!!!! You can now buy your furry companion a wig. Or how about matching wigs for you and your pet. I suppose that's possible.
Ruth Regina is designing hairpieces for dogs. She is making braids, curls and extensions that can be dyed any color, highlighted and styled to order. So, that's why I assume you could have matching hair with your pampered pet. The picture is of Regina's dog, Sweetie with Shirley Temple style braids. I don't know how much you would have to shell out for these, but it looks like something I could do myself.
Regina thinks just because Paris Hilton, Brintney Spears and Nicole Richey, with their *pocket pets* and those pets are wearing such things as sunglasses, tiaras, visors and clothes, all the while riding around in Chanel carriers, that there has to be a big market for wigs as well. Because all of us who own a dog must buy these things for our pets as well.
The wigs are made out of synthetic or real human hair dyed any color including pastels. Oh goody!!! I want to get a rainbow wig for Shasta, the wonder dog. She would look cute in say oh.....maybe something like a huge afro dyed rainbow colors. Each wig has openings for the ears and an elastic band to hold it in place.
The *Yappy Hour* is a cascade of curls. *It's a good choice for hairless dogs,* Regina says. Well, if you bought a hairless dog because you wanted the novelty of a hairless dog, why buy it a wig?
The *Peek a Bow Wow* can fall down over part of the dogs face. *It's a good choice for any dog that has feelings, you know, a sexy dog,* she says. A sexy dog? What's that?
The *Rover R-r-rug* is a straight hair style that can be used as bangs (hmmm......Donald Trump comes to mind on this one) and the *Buddy Braids,* good for a dog with a little hair because they hold on with clips.
I'm a dog lover. My dog is spoiled. My dog is like a child. I consider myself a *pet parent.* Do I dress Shasta up in clothes? NO! She would probably bite me if I did. Does she wear Halloween costumes? NO! Is her collar rhinestone studded? NO! Will she be wearing a Regina wig anytime soon? Well......NO! She doesn't even have a $6,000 bedroom that I read recently about one dog having. She even has to eat dog food. She is a joy and a best friend, but no frills here.
I agree with Regina, that in many ways dogs are just little people in fur coats. Sometimes I prefer her company over a human's. She's always happy to see me and greets me with much fan fare. Never get mad. Always listening when I talk to her. Sorry, Shasta, you're not getting a wig. And that's final!!!!!
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