The fire in Oak Creek Canyon aka the Brin Fire, is still going strong. According to the paper this morning, Sedona is still hot (pun intended) with tourists. They say that rooms are booked solid for this week end. For Oak Creek Canyon, which is a few miles north of Sedona, many of those people have had to leave their homes, tents, RVs, etc.
The paper was also telling that the Pink Jeep Tours have had to stop taking people on the tour to the many vortex sites up in the Red Rocks. This got me to thinking that if all the *crystalers* got together and went up close to a vortex site and did some sort of ceremony minus anything with fire, maybe the fire would be sucked down into the earth. Maybe something like:
*Oh, gods of earth, wind and fire, we offer up a plea for help in this time of need. Oh, gods, hear our plea. Please forgive us for all the things we have done to destroy our Mother Earth. All the greenhouse gases, all the driving of our SUVs, the displacement of all the little owls, fishes and snails. Oh vortex, please open up and suck away all the fire and make our Mother Earth whole again.*
All the while shaking the rocks of appropriate color for fire. The burning of incense in a proper fire proof container. Holding hands in a circle and chanting a matra.
Think that'll work?
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