Tomorrow, September 11 marks the fifth annivesary of the event that shock the USA and the rest of the world in recent years.
I remember that day as if it was yesterday. I was waiting for a friend to come by and pick me up. As I was waiting, I turned on the TV to kill some time. The first tower had already been hit and I watched as the second plane rammed into the second tower. It was like watching a movie, really. Then, the collapse of the towers. It was surreal with dust and debris raining down on the streets of NYC. My friend came and we watched together at her house as the rest of the events unfolded. The Pentagon and United 93 crash. Both of us sitting there in shock as to what had happened. Later in the day, the news was piecing together information and the recovery efforts had begun at all locations. The skys became eerily quiet as it emptied out of the normal business of traveling. Once in a while over Phoenix, we could hear, but not see, the military jets sent up to keep us safe from other attacks. Things pretty much came to a stand still, in all areas of our lives. People seemed kinder and caring to their fellow man. Flags flew everywhere as a symbol of our *togetherness.* No one knew what was really going on or happen next. Rumors and conspiracy theories abounded. Cover up allegations popped up. That was five years ago.
So, what's changed? Well, planes are flying again. Airport security is sort of working. People complain about their rights being taken away. Bush gets tons of bad press. Rumors, conspiracy theories continue, as do cover up allegations. We are at war in Iraq and Afghanistan. More people have died and continue to die as result of that day five years ago. Many questions go unanswered. People are back to being their *old* self. Flags no longer fly. Tons of *terrorist* sit in a prison in Cuba.
Have we forgotten that day or have we gone on with life? For me, no, I haven't forgotten. It's kind of like when a loved one dies. That day and event stays forever fresh. it's never forgotten, but we have to move on and continue. If we don't, we lose ourselves. Yes, it's an annivesary, a day of remembrance, but it shouldn't consume our lives. I have mixed feeling about all the hoopla memorial anniversary things planned for tomorrow. Sept. 16 doesn't mean much to other people, but to me, it's the day my Dad passed away. I get in a strange mood around the day of his annivesary. Not a depressed mood, but just in a *funk.* I miss my Dad every day, but this day especially. I don't or try not to wear it on my sleeve. Tomorrow, will be not really a special day for me. I don't plan on watching the annivesary *shows.* I will remember and reflect. I will probably put my flag out. It is a special day, but one I will not be wearing on my sleeve.
My thoughts and prayers are with the loved ones who lost a family member, friend or co-worker at all locations. My thoughts and prayers are with the men and women in Iraq and elsewhere. God bless each and every one.
Tomorrow, give your loved ones and friends a hug and tell them you love them, because you never know it might be the last time you ever see them. PEACE! :-)
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