Monday, January 16, 2006

80,000 Criminals Wanted In Church

Arizona sure has been coming up with some goofy ideas recently. This one wants wanted individuals to come to church and surrender themselves. Not only *give up,* but also be tried and sentenced on the spot. This is no amnesty program.

Seems like this was done in Ohio with some success. The idea is open up a church for 3 or 4 days with officers and judges present in a *safe* environment. (I can just hear Quasimodo saying *Sanctuary.....sanctuary*.) The authorities say that surrendering under these conditions will save lives of officers, criminals, criminal's families and citizens, as the doors of the criminal homes will not be busted in or stand offs not taking place.

Seems to me like the criminal's rights would be violated, but the ACLU doesn't think so. (What a shock, they make a fuss about everything.) I'm sure they will be attending church.

In Ohio, some of those surrendering wanted to know if they would be going home after being processed. Well, if home is a 8x8 cell.....yeah.

There are some real concerns like, who's going to pay for all this, what happens to illegals, how is the court system going to handle should a large number of criminals surrender at once and can the jails handle this increase all at once. Sheriff Joe probably has the answer for that one, I'm sure.

We've got the place, but not the time. So, guess we'll wait and see if they do it or not.


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