Monday, February 27, 2006

Goodbye Mr. Fife, Mr. Kolchak and Mr. McCloud

Gosh, in the past three days we have lost three actors. I enjoyed watching all of these men over the years.

Barney Fife aka Don Knotts was the first. I enjoyed his work on The Andy Griffith Show. He made the show funny and without his *Barney* the show would've been just another show. He wrote some of the episodes. He also had a great movie I love, The Incredible Mr. Limpett. I still love watching the old Andy Griffith Show. He was also with Andy on Matlock a few seasons as his bumbling neighbor. My favorite line, *Can I put the bullet in now, Ang?*

Next, we lost The Night Stalker, Kolchak aka Darren McGavin. The Night Stalker wasn't as *sophisacated* as say, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Kolchak was a bumbling reporter who always got into trouble with the law and the vampires. I liked that show.

Today, the news about McCloud aka Dennis Weaver passing away. I first knew him as Chester on Gunsmoke, the deputy with the lump. He made a perfect companion for Matt Dillion. They had many adventures together. Always getting their man. Then, as McCloud the policeman from New Mexico displaced in New York City. He stuck out like a sore thumb, but he taught those NYPD guys a thing or two about creative police work.

You will all be missed. RIP

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Jesus Mowing His Lawn On eBay

With a bid of $1000 smack-a -roos, you can own this piece of metal. It looks like a girl with a dress on holding something in her hand to me.

The guy selling this says *this gave me chills.* Hmm....... I don't know about chills, but if someone does fall for this and buys it, I would laugh all the way to the bank.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

What Do Birthdays, Limes, Nuts, Rabbits and Fake Babies Have In Common?

Nothing really, but it all has happened on the same day......TODAY!

Today's my birthday and I thought I would sleep in a little this morning. Well, at 6:30 there was a tap, tap, tapping at the front door. It was my neighbor two doors down telling me that a rabbit was under my husband's work trailer. OK! About an hour later, I went out to check it out. Yup! A white bunny with black ears and a black spot on it's nose. It hopped into the neighbor's back yard, where I since have found out that it has been eating up her garden for the past four or so days. That explains the barking of Shasta, *the wonder dog* at the fence at night.

I took my nephew's clothes up to the cleaners this AM at 8:30, so we could get in on the *in before 9, out by 4* deal. I walked in the door to be waited on by a high school girl who was caring for a fake *real* baby that was crying it's head off. She wasn't being to successful at the *mommy* thing. The other workers in there were taking turns carrying the *baby* trying to get it to shut up. No one was checking it's diaper or thinking about feeding it. Looks like it was going to be a LONG day for that place.

It seems that in Florida, Tallahassee in fact, the Legislature is fighting over what should be the official state pie. HUH? A state pie? Key lime or pee-can. South Florida people say that key lime represents the entire state, while pee-cans just represents North Florida. Hmmm...the north vs the south, hopefull not another civil war abrewin'. I didn't know states had state pies. Georgia does and it's the pecan pie. I suppose if Arizona had an official state pie it could be the prickly pear pie. What's next, state drink?

So, there you have it. February 25!! Oh, no that's not my picture. I like bizzare things and this was it for today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!!!! And my twin sister too, she never reads my blog. She's missing out on a lot!!

Friday, February 24, 2006


Some things never change........the drama at the Casaya camp continues with *Memento Man* aka Shane leading the way.

At reward challenge the tribes have to put a puzzle together that resembles triominos. Casaya wins and sends Terry from La Mina off to Exile Island. The reward was a outhouse/shower combo complete with toilet paper, towels and other shower stuff.

The outhouse/shower was a cute little port-a-john made out of wood to look like an ol' timey outhouse. Even has a half moon cut out in the door. Aras wants to store the firewood in it instead of it's intended purpose. Bobby puts that idea to rest easily by using the outhouse first.

Meanwhile on Exile Island, Terry wastes no time looking for the immunity idol after reading all the clues left. He leaves no stone unturned and with the only witness, an owl, looking on, he finds the idol. Ah.....hey Shane, hell pays off this time. HA! HA!

La Mina with Terry gone, finds themselves like little children without their mother. No food, fire and raining, they are in dire straits. Nick surmises that they can only hold out for three more days at the most.

It's amazing that with all the drama that Casaya has going for them, now it's *Memento Man* questioning work ethics. Which I have to agree. OUCH, that was painful. They do pull together at the challenges and win the immunity challenge.

La Mina's *all mighty men* bicker about who to vote off, Sally or Ruth Marie. Seems like Dan gave *his word* to Ruthie but the rest of the guys had to Sally. At tribal council, Sally and Ruthie each pled their case. In the end the *birdlike* Ruthie gets sent packing.

We get to see Sally *blue legs* one more week. Will Nick's prediction come to pass?

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

I'm Coo Coo For Curling

I've been watching some of the curling events at the Olympics this year. I did watch the very little that was on TV last Winter Olympics and have watched some World Cup matches on ESPN. I've gotten interested, mainly cause it looks like a sport that just about anyone could do. It's not really all that physically demanding. Where else could you *throw rocks,* yell at other people to HURRY!! and get away with it?

It's a slow paced game. Each team gets 8 stones. There are 4 players to a team and they each get 30 minutes to throw the 8 stones. Each game or sheet, as it is called in curling lingo, lasts two hours.

As I stated earlier, the team has 4 players. The lead throws the first two rocks, second, the next two, third the next two and the *skip* which is the captain, throws the last two. The last rock thrown is called the hammer.

They really have some interesting lingo too. Like, hack, hogger, hog line, house, rink (which is what the team is called, not the venue), tee line, burned stone, freeze, button, biter, etc.

The stone or rock is made from solid granite found in Wales and Scotland. I think I read somewhere that it weights 25 pounds. It's not like you have to carry it around though.

The surface of the ice is shaved smooth just like for ice skating, but then it is sprayed with water droplets similar to how a sprinkling can to water flowers works. This is called pebbling. This is done so the rock and the ice has less friction, enabling the stone to be thrown with less effort.

So, the *skip* throws the rock aiming at the opponents stone to knock it away from the scoring rings and/or to use it as a way to get their stone into scoring position. The *sweepers* sweep their little hearts out to clear the ice and control, without touching the stone, into positions they want as the stone goes down the lane. It's sort of like shuffleboard that old geezers play at the parks out here. (Just a note: I'm having a birthday this coming Saturday and its making me closer to the *old geezer* range. Very birthday does that you know!)

As far as I can tell, the only physical part is being able to get in that squatting, lunge position to throw (which is really gliding the stone on the ice) the stone and back up. The sweeping can get a little intense at times. I do like how they get to *glide* down the ice on one foot. Their shoes have rubber soles, but one shoe is fitted with a *booty* made of Teflon so they can glide back and forth on the ice.

For more information on curling, this web site has cute animations about curling,

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Want To Send Your DNA Into Outer Space?

YOU CAN!!!!! For $34.95 you can purchase a kit from Beyond Earth Enterprises This kit allows you to send hair and fingernail clippings (sorry, no fluids!) to orbit the *big blue ball.* They have photo kits too. This Colorado based company will also transport science experiments (no animals allowed) into space for $2,500. They plan on a launch date in October, so there is still plenty of time to get aboard.

My question is why would you want to send your DNA into space anyway? Isn't there already enough *space junk* floating around up there? You certainly wouldn't be able to go up and retrive back your DNA if it was needed for something and you weren't available to give it yourself. It does make it easier for the *beings from other worlds.* This way they wouldn't have to search out lonely farmers and lumbrjacks to kidnap and *probe.*

There are other companies getting in on the space service industry. Space Services Inc. from Houston will send your ashes into space for $995 (small) to $5,300 (large). Next month sometime, the actually launch date is kept secret, Scotty from Star Trek (James Doohan) and astronuant Gorden Cooper, along with 185 others will be blasted into space for their experience in space. The module container will stay in space for several years before returning into the atmosphere.

The space tourist industry is heating up too. According to Virgin Galactic's owner Richard Branson, his company has 100 people already paid to the tune of $200,000 each, waiting for their suborbital space adventure. That's cheaper than what Gregory Olsen paid the Russins to taxi him up to the space station. He forked out $20 million. The space tourist package range from $25,000 to $250,000. Virgin Galactic hopes to have it's flights begin in 2008.

It's a's a plane........nope, it's just Scotty coming back to earth.

Monday, February 20, 2006

NYC Condom

I thought that Arizona was coming up with some wacky ideas (blinking ice cubes to detour DUIs, wanting criminals to show up at church to turn themselves in, etc.), but New York has out done that.

According to a news report, NYC is going to design their own condom brand.

Since Micheal Bloomberg has become the mayor, NYC has gone into the business of selling stuff for the city's profit. For example, the city gets royalty from the sale of products that legally use the NYPD and NYFD logos. So, the next logical product would be the condom right? But wait, why buy when they are handed out for free? The Health Department under Bloomberg had greatly increased the free program. The city has handed out more than 1 million a month, according to officials.

The project is in the very early stages of development. The design package for the condom would be uniquely identified with the city, exactly how no one knows yet. Maybe the city's logo or other iconic city image. I'm thinking the possiblies are endless. Let your imagination run for a bit. Even the condom itself could be embossed with a *raised* image of the Empire State Building. You know * ribbed for her pleasure.*

If this does go on into production, they will sell like hotcakes on eBay.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

But Officer, I Only Had One Beer

Now, this is a beer can!!! I'm going to move to Germany!

Friday, February 17, 2006

The Guys Enjoy The Chick Fight on Survivor

Bruce immediately takes over Casaya upon returning to camp from tribal council. Which I knew he would. He tells them that by using three layers of T-shirts they could filter out 90% of bacteria from the water and not have to waste time boiling it. Most agree and drink the *filtered* water. Any wagers on who will get sick first?

La Mina resorts to eating snails. The fishing gear, minus the spear thanks to Sally, hasn't helped any. When they do catch a fish it's a non-edible puffer. Finally, Terry catches a teeny weeny fish that is shared by eight people.

Award challenge day finds Casaya and La Mina fighting for a tarp, fuel, lantern, a couple of pillows and blankets and jerry cans. Terry wins it for La Mina and *Memento Man* aka Shane looses for Casaya. La Mina gets to choose from Casaya who goes to Exile Island, they pick....oh no...... not Bruce AGAIN!! Poor Bruce, he has spent more time on the island than with any tribe.

Back at Casaya, guess who is still ranting and raving? Yep, *Memento Man* this time about his *thinkin' seat.* *This is my seat and no one sits on it but me. Go get your own f--king seat.*

Casaya wins immunity challenge, which included Bruce. The first round was a *chick fight* that it seemed the guys enjoyed very much.

La Mina goes to tribal council and Misty gets a torch and then looses the torch as she is the third castaway voted off the island. All that massaging, flirttering, *poor little girl* act didn't work for Misty this time.

Sally is wearing the blue leggings. One of my questions answered. Will *Memento Man* finally, finally go balistic? It's only matter of time. He does make Casaya interesting though.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

2-Bit Ideas

Arizona is starting the *design the state quarter* contest. Scheduled for release in May 2008.

Yesterday was our 94th birthday. I'm not a native, but have lived some where in Arizona most of my life. We can draw from lots of things in our state. We have the Grand Canyon, roadrunners, cactus of all kinds, pine trees, lakes, mountains, snow birds, just tons of things. So, we've enlisted a bunch of people from educators, artists, historians and even kids to help with the design. The Arizona Republic even printed out a *blank* so all of us could submit our *2-bit idea.* Hopefully, they will come up with something good.

Here are some ideas the newspaper's artist came up with, which we won't see. I like the *unknown snow bird* one myself. Only those who have lived in Arizona for sometime will get the jokes.

Click on the image to enlarge.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Orgasmically Good!

That's how Misty and the younger gals described the first food of papaya they had in Panama. I guess anyone could describe food that way after not having anything to eat or drink for three days.

After all 4 tribes spent a wet, wet night, conditions were bad. Shane, who will from now on be called by me *Memento Man* (for those who have seen the movie, Memento, will know what I'm talking about) ranting on about sand fleas, no smokes, no water, no food, etc. What did he expect, Club Med?

Twist tribes picked by *school yard* pick. Bruce *odd man out* is banished to Exile Island for a couple of days. The two new tribes, La Mina and Casaya do award challenge. La Mina wins with Nick (yahoo, the home town boy) carrying all the snakes to the end. Award is a raft and paddles and fishing gear.

(Memento Man still raving on and on and on and......)

A couple from La Mina goes out on the raft to spear some fish with their new fishing spear and TWANG, the spear goes flying in the air and lands in too deep of water to retrieve. Back at camp......*Guess what guys, I lost the spear.* *GGGRRRRR!!!*

La Mina wins immunity. They get to take the three coconut heads back to camp and Casaya gets to take *Memento Man*. He want his tribe to vote him off. Instead Melinda ends up getting her torch put out and Bruce takes her place.

Will *Memento Man* go completely off the deep end? Did Bruce find the immunity idol on the island? Will I be able to figure out who is wearing the blue leggings? These and other questions will be answered in the coming weeks.

Meanwhile, will someone please give *Memento Man* a Nicorette?

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Take The Air Force Pilot Test

This is pretty interesting and fun.

The object is to move the red square without hitting the blue squares or coming in contact with the black sides. If you last 18 sec. you are brilliant. Well, my best score was a little over 25 seconds. After the 18 sec. mark the blue squares move much faster. It's a hand-eye coordination test.

I read where the air force uses this test for their pilots. They have a 2 minute challenge.

After a couple of tries, you can kind of see a pattern that will help you get further.

Go to

Good luck and ENJOY!!!!!

Kung Hay Fat Choy!

What the heck?

This was on the bag of the Chinese take out we had last night. No, it's not the name of the food place.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Cartoon Rage Rages On

First of all, I just want to say that I didn't intend for this blog page to be a forum for religious or political debate. I do have strong opinions about both and not afraid to voice them. I set up this page for entertainment and light information purposes. After seeing several days of rage over some cartoons, I have to say something.

Knowing what the big to do is all about cartoons, I had of yet to find out exactly what the cartoon were. I've found out. Here it is in a nut shell:
  • Prophet Mohammad wears a bomb instead of a turban
  • the prophet is standing at the gate of heaven with his arms raised and talking to what appears to be suicide bombers saying *Stop, stop, we have run out of virgins.* (Apparently, a suicide bomber would receive 30 virgins in heaven for his *sacrifice.*)
  • there are devil horns coming out of the turban
  • 2 women totally veiled, with only their eyes showing, the prophet standing between them with a piece of black cloth over his eyes, so he can't see them

There are the four cartoons in question. I can see how they might get upset over these. It is their highly regarded prophet. It seems that according to Islam, the face of the prophet is always hidden or distorted.

At first, I read that they weren't upset over his face been shown, but that he wore a bomb instead of a turban. Now, it's everything about the cartoons.

OK......if you use your religion as a foundation for killing, you're going to have to except some time or another someone will show some negative cartoons of your prophet. That's just life. Muslims can't deny that some people are using the Islamic religion as a foundation for killing. I'm sure that in some newspaper or Islamic magazine the picture of God has appeared in a negative way according to how Jews and Christians would see it. You don't see us going out and raging on to the rest of the world, when we see something offensive to us about God. We voice our displeasure, maybe make a little *hoo-ha,* accept the apologies and move on.

Muslims are only showing how the rest of the world sees them as *uncivilized* with all this rage, killings, burning of building, etc. that has gone on now for days. Seems like it's just an excuse for the Muslim world to show us their bad side. So, there were cartoons. They've been pulled out of circulation. Denmark and Europe has apologized. The rest of the world has denounced the cartoons as *incorrect.* Get over it now and get back with doing what you do. Show the rest of the world that you are civilized people.

Now, the Muslims want to use cartoons about the holocost as retribution. Why? The cartoons did not come from Israel. Was the cartoonist Jewish? I don't know. When will it all end?

I've said my piece. My rant is over. For now, at least.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Watch In Bun-O-Vision

You can watch your favorite or maybe not so favorite movies in Bun-O-Vision. Re-enactments done with bunnies. They are hilarious.

This is one of my favorite web sites ( and I check back often to see what new movies have been added. Many debut on StarZ.

There are several movies to see. What's great is that they last 30 seconds, give or take a couple of seconds, so there's not a large file to download.

Movies like, Alien, The Big Chill, Freddy vs Jason, It's A Wonderful Life, Jaws, Star Wars, The War of the Worlds, King Kong (coming later this month) and many more.

So, hippty-hop on over and check out the bunnies. You won't be disappointed.

Friday, February 03, 2006

OK.....So, I'm A Survivor Junkie!!

YAHOO!!!!! Survivor is back on and the first episode did not disappoint. I'm glad to see that Jeff is still hosting after the *retirement scare* at the end of last season.

Survivor is the only reality show that is different each year, going further than just changes in contestants. Additions of new twists and challenges keeps this show fresh. It's true a lot of people knock the show's *dog eat dog* attitude, but it does mimic what goes on in every day corporate life, where lying and deceit are the norm for climbing up the ladder.

Whoa, so many changes. Young men vs older men vs young women vs older women vs male vs female. 4 tribes with 4 members each to start out.

Misty was the first to spend a night alone on Exile Island after her team, the younger gals, failed the first challenge. Tina, the *lumber jill* was the first to hear, *The tribe has spoken.* Which I was surprised. I figured that the older gals would've voted off Cirie since she is scared of EVERYTHING including leaves. I can't image her lasting long. She is way, way out of shape and admits to being a *couch potato.*

Seems like the older tribes have more *camping skills,* they set up camp quickly and was organized. The young guys' shelter looked like something a tornado would blow up and they tried making fire in a cooking pot. The young women on the quest for finding a suitable spot to make a shelter looked like they were at the mall shopping.....*Oh....this place looks cute. Look at that.* They spent the night without shelter or fire. I didn't see any tribe eating, but the older gals, Tina found a fish on the shore and Misty alone on Exile Island ate at least one teeny worm.

Will see how far Nick from Tempe goes. It's too early for me to start to *root* for anyone to win. Cirie did outwit Tina on the first go around.

The immunity idol is kind of odd. Looks like three coconut heads on a stick.

So.....who will......outwit, outplay and outlast on Exile Island?

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

It Happened In February's February already. Where did Janurary go? And we even had a extra second.

February is known for Valentines day (14th) and president's birthdays (Lincoln 12 and Washington 22), Ground Hog Day (2), President's Day and Parent's Day (20) and my birthday (25). Oh......that's not on your calendar, huh? I almost forgot Black History month and Pet Dental Care month.

There are also some lesser known facts that happened in this month.

Back in 1898 on the first, the first car insurance was issused. (You can amaze your family and friends with these dates.) On Feb.2, 1913 the 16th Amendment is ratified and the income tax becomes constiutional. Feb. 3, 1947 the coldiest recorded temperature in North America at Snag, Yukon was -81 degrees F. 1985 Feb. 5 saw the end to the longest war in history, the Third Punic War, which begin in 149 B.C. On Feb. 7, 1827, the first ballet was performed in the U.S. and in 1735 on Feb. 8, the first opera was performed in the colonies that would become the U.S. But, England sent over The Beatles in 1964 on Feb. 9 and they were on The Ed Sullivan Show.

A computer beats a human at chess on Feb. 10, 1996, while on Valentine's Day 1946, the first electronic digital computer was demoed, it's name was Eniac. It was the size of a airplane hanger.

Feb. 18, 1930 at the Lowell's Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona, the planet Pluto was dicovered. Also on this date it was the first time ever that a cow was milked in a flying airplane. Hmmmm......I wonder why that was? And I wonder how many more cows have been milked in flight?

Now, you've got the scoop for the month of February.